No Rings, No Hobbits…Just a hell of a lot of bullets

Wizards 5Blood, torture, and sexual innuendo abound, Wizards (1977) is a far cry from the Disney classics we’re used to seeing.  I saw this for the first time years ago (dare I say over two decades ago).  I think it was back when you could catch B-movies and weird animated films on TNT or TBS late at night.  I didn’t think much of it at the time other than it was good, but after rewatching one of the movies in the unnecessarily long Hobbit trilogy, I decided Wizards might be worth another watch.   

Let me begin by saying this shit is really freaking out there.  There are the eponymous wizards battling it out alongside mutants, fairies, elves, and a talking Lizard named Larry.  It doesn’t shy away from violence and shows us quite a bit of blood.  The themes have historical context and primarily deal with the horrors of war.  To top it all off…these princesses have nipples.  And that’s the normal stuff.  
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Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan


A single syllable name that echoed through the universe in 1982 has since become a classic line in cinema.  Interestingly, what should have been the cheesy sequel of the cheesy motion picture version of a cheesy television show went on to become not just a damn good movie, but a box office success even by today’s standards.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is one of those films that I watched on HBO as a kid and Read more of this post


Slither 2With the Guardians of the Galaxy movie set to be released in 2014, writer and director James Gunn is getting lots of attention these days.  Unfortunately, at the moment, much of it is due to some inappropriate comments he made a few years ago.  Well, I think he deserves the attention—more so for his body of work than for a few silly comments—and I decided to give a little attention to one of his more mainstream films, the not-quite-classic cult horror comedy Slither.

The movie stars cult sci-fi icon Nathan Fillion as a small town sheriff and Elizabeth Banks as his love interest.  If you’ve seen it already, you know how wildly entertaining this movie is. Read more of this post

Super 8: I Saw This in the 80s

Nostalgia, nostalgia, nostalgia.  There’s plenty of it in J.J. Abrams’ sci-fi adventure, Super 8.  The film is an homage to the science fiction films of the 70s and 80s such as E.T., Poltergeist, The Explorers, Star Man, etc., and seeks to recreate the sense of adventure that those films managed to conjure in us.  Well, Super 8, does a really good job of that—a little too good.

After I had seen Super 8 in the theater back in 2011 I couldn’t help but to notice that it was like all those other movies from my childhood; movies that were always on television Read more of this post